4 Questions Job Candidates Ask and Tips to Respond

One of the top rules of job searching for candidates is to be prepared to ask questions at the end of their interviews. But, are you prepared with answers? Take a look at these four questions interviewees may ask and tips to respond.

Can you tell me about the company’s culture?

Interviews are an opportunity for you to get to know job candidates, but this is also a candidate’s time to get to know the company. Reflect on the attributes that make your company a great place to work, and consider sharing one of your favorite aspects, like core values, work/life balance, or employee recognition.


“We strive to maintain a positive environment where everyone feels supported and empowered to achieve their goals. Our core values include integrity and transparency. Our leadership does a great job of demonstrating these values by opening lines of communication between themselves and employees through quarterly town halls.”

If the thought of describing your company’s culture to interviewees makes you nervous, read Harvard’s Six Tips for Building a Better Workplace Culture.

How would you describe your leadership style?

Leadership style preferences can make or break a working relationship, so set aside time to reflect on your tendencies, habits, and techniques. Consider how to effectively communicate your leadership style. Be transparent and confident about who you are as a leader.


“I believe in setting my direct reports up for success and creating opportunities for growth. I strive to give everyone the tools and resources they need to be successful. While I am available to give input and listen to issues, I rely on my team to make decisions and solve problems.”

Not sure what your leadership style is? Check out this infographic for a breakdown of eight styles and their strengths!

What have you learned from past exit interviews?

If a candidate has skimmed this list of 16 Questions Job Candidates Should Ask During A First Interview, inquiring about previous exit interviews might be on their mind.

Your answer can offer insight into why former employees have left, potential problems they may encounter themselves should they be hired, and whether the company listens to employee feedback. Use these questions to prepare a thoughtful response:

  • Has the company implemented any changes as the result of an exit interview?
  • Did an exit interview reveal areas of concern that you were previously unaware of? How did you respond?
  • Can you speak to your own willingness to listen to feedback before it leads to an exit interview? 

Are there any skills you would like to see on my resume that I haven’t included? 

Chances are, even your best hires will have skill gaps that require additional training or education. The best-case scenario is to identify those deficiencies early and create a plan together. Should their skill gaps be too great to fill, it would be a courtesy to the interviewee to flag potential limitations.


“I am impressed with your experience and skills. One skill that I don’t see on your resume is public speaking. This role will be responsible for emceeing three annual events each year. I would want to prioritize training for you should you be offered the position. Would you be interested in additional training?”

For tips on what to ask your next interviewee, download the free Best Interview Questions to Ask Job Candidates ebook!

Last Updated on September 26, 2024