Canada Employed: Workplace Etiquette Rules Shift; Job Seekers Fear Being Themselves

Canada Employed explores the state of employment and unemployment in Canada. Learn more about the latest insights, according to a recent Express Employment Professionals-Harris Poll survey. This month’s topics include promoting authentic behavior at work and the easing of norms.

Job seekers fear discussing certain topics at work, according to the survey:

  • 73% of Canadian job seekers don’t feel comfortable being themselves in the workplace.
  • The top three topics job seekers say they have to avoid at work are religion (42%), salary/wages (41%) and politics (39%).
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Casual workplaces are here to stay, as the survey revealed:

  • 65% of hiring decision-makers say workplace etiquette that was not acceptable three years ago is now acceptable.
  • Arriving on time for work/meetings (69%), keeping a clean workplace (62%), and greeting coworkers remain important today.
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Last Updated on July 12, 2024